Issue # 31 enters the mail stream
Issue # 31 entered the mail stream today at approximately 11:00 AM my time. Long-time subscribers know this means it is time to pull up a chair and begin their vigil by the mail slot. Remember: keep focused. Don't take your eyes off the slot. Monitor any pets or infants sparingly.
Also: our subscriber Judith moved and did not notify us of her new address. I had already personalized her copy of issue #31 when I found out. I am in need of a new subscriber named Judith. If your name is Judith, or you know a Judith, please consider subscribing yourself/her. Judith, your copy of issue #31 is ready to mail.
Also: our subscriber Judith moved and did not notify us of her new address. I had already personalized her copy of issue #31 when I found out. I am in need of a new subscriber named Judith. If your name is Judith, or you know a Judith, please consider subscribing yourself/her. Judith, your copy of issue #31 is ready to mail.