The Reviews Are In
The reviews have been trickling in for issue #27 of Other People Exist. Here are some excerpts:
I received my OPE zine today and so far it exceeds my expectations. It may be the best yet - OPE's oldest subscriber
I laughed, I cried....okay, actually I just laughed. Out loud as a matter of fact - OPE's foreign subscriber [translated from the original Canadian]
We got our OPE yesterday! We took the time to sit on the couch and take turns reading the pages out loud together. We laughed and laughed - OPE's most discerning subscriber
If you don't have a copy, you're really missing out, unless you don't like my work, in which case you are missing nothing.
I received my OPE zine today and so far it exceeds my expectations. It may be the best yet - OPE's oldest subscriber
I laughed, I cried....okay, actually I just laughed. Out loud as a matter of fact - OPE's foreign subscriber [translated from the original Canadian]
We got our OPE yesterday! We took the time to sit on the couch and take turns reading the pages out loud together. We laughed and laughed - OPE's most discerning subscriber
If you don't have a copy, you're really missing out, unless you don't like my work, in which case you are missing nothing.