Other People Exist

and are not just sense data

My Photo

Studies show that even when they are not there, other people exist, with thoughts, feelings, and desires just like you


The Reviews Are In

The reviews have been trickling in for issue #27 of Other People Exist. Here are some excerpts:

I received my OPE zine today and so far it exceeds my expectations. It may be the best yet - OPE's oldest subscriber

I laughed, I cried....okay, actually I just laughed. Out loud as a matter of fact - OPE's foreign subscriber [translated from the original Canadian]

We got our OPE yesterday! We took the time to sit on the couch and take turns reading the pages out loud together. We laughed and laughed - OPE's most discerning subscriber

If you don't have a copy, you're really missing out, unless you don't like my work, in which case you are missing nothing.